
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Prestige Worldwide Presents: The Balding List

Morgan Freeman infuriates me, but in a really endearing way. Morgan (we are pretty tight, so from now on I'm just going to reference him as Morgan or MF) infuriates me in the way someone's father or mother might frustrate them. Parents are notorious for having really good parental intentions, yet, when they attempt to execute those intentions into some type of action, it typically comes across as a monumental failure. We might know our parents love and care about us, but we also often think they don't understand us. Or we might simply be embarrassed by their "outdated-ness".  Or we simply don't want to see them every second of every day or at every intersection of hallways.

What does this have to do with an old black man? MF is a superbly talented actor. His charisma and charm jump off the screen during every movie, and even in movies where MF is not the headliner or featured actor, he seems to steal multiple scenes, if not the entire movie itself. He's a classy guy through and through. But he's in everything. He's like the slightly more talented, more spotted version of Samuel L. Jackson. Morgan Freeman should be like a fine wine, but instead is like Busch Light. I want to sip on some Morgan, I don't want him shoved in my face every four weeks when another one of his movies comes out. When did the Screen Actors Guild decide that Morgan Freeman should, or rather, has to be the narrating voice in anything that requires narrating? This upsets me to no end.  Everything from penguins to any Discovery channel documentary where a sea lion looks bored and needs some commentary.

While I was thinking about Morgan, I thought of the movie: the Bucket List. Now, I'm twenty-one years old and certainly too young to have a bucket list. But, I've been thinking of a lot of goals I have that have yet to be completed. Some of them are short term goals, others further out, but all of them important to me in some way. For whatever reason, I go through a thought process on an every other day frequency that is quite conflicting. Some days I like my hair. I think it trendy and well styled and thick and Greek. Other days I think it is terrible, and that for some reason beyond me, I am balding. "Have I always had this terrible hairline?" "Where did my hair go?" "I'm Jason Alexander's balder twin." These are the thoughts that consume me during those days. It's quite tough to say what's happening with my hair, but rather than a bucket list, here is my balding list.  A list of things I want to complete and or accomplish while I still have hair.

* Turn 40 dollars into 1000 playing online poker *
* Buy a house *
* Visit Ireland and Greece *
* Bench Press 300 lbs *
* Make a world series of poker final table *
* Find my relational counterpart. Find the woman who completes me *
* Complete my college degree *
* Learn how to play guitar *
* Learn multiple languages *
* Own my own company *
* Set up a college fund for my daughter *
* Get a tattoo sleeve *
* Go on a cruise *


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